Military-Grade Assault Words.
Many good-hearted people fall prey to the predations of leftist culture through linguistic terms, used as weapons. Here, we'll cover what verbal ammunitions look like. Propagandists promote every new “worst thing ever” by packaging it in a catchy phrase. One that's easy to remember & casually thrown around as an inversion of “common sense”.
If you're wondering why everyone is so easily divided on nearly every issue, then you still don't fully understand the effectiveness of linguistic terms or slogans as word-weapons. Learn how to identify weapons-grade assault-words, avoid falling for semantic overload & fire back with a term of your own.
Deeply-Rooted Systemic Problems
All good brands have a motto that expresses their core beliefs, giving their customers something to unify around. Activists have this too, only its used to coerce people into opposing camps, towards some political agenda. The average business owner understands marketing and the need for hyperbole, but is baffled at the linguistic terms driving activist-causes used against them. This article dives into the effectiveness of those terms and how they create division.
It shows up when scrolling through one of your social feeds. Some new “threat” to everything & everyone you love, wrapped in a three word phrase that neatly summarizes a super complicated, multi-varied problem, into a cute little package.
At first, you take it at face value and agree with nearly every proposition they lay out, even going so far as to become an advocate yourself and updating the company community guidelines.
Then the activist group says supporters aren't doing enough. Claiming that there's deeply-rooted systemic problems causing the main issue, which can only be solved by a list of demands, and the total destruction of all institutional beliefs.
The Slogan It Self Becomes A Purification Test
In response, your company doubles down, focused on endorsing the stories of the supposedly aggrieved, and their detrimental solutions.
One faction who agrees with the groups stated cause, but cannot overlook glaring inconsistencies within the movement, is left trying to navigate a field of politically correct land-mines, unable to figure out why every issue conveniently divides along those exact lines.
Contradictions build up like spent casings, until the groups slogan it self becomes a purification test presented in the form of a question. This linguistic weapon takes-down anyone foolish enough to point out the nuance of a situation, spraying them with “bigot” or “denier” rounds.
Unprovable Utopian Concepts
Understanding the ballistics of a semantically overloaded term is crucial to reducing its stopping power. Its a phrase that's purposely unclear & amorphous allowing it to hold many interpretations. A double barreled construction of a perfectly reasonable sentiment, that's jammed alongside an implied agreement with the nefarious goals of the groups leadership.
Identify semantic overload through forms of unprovable Utopian concepts eg: “trust the plan”, “climate change”, “build back better”, that become mantras for people who only see the world through the lens of oppressor vs oppressed. These semi-auto phrases use their varied meanings to bait and switch critics who argue against its damaging effects. Rhetorical traps like these can only be avoided by firing at the groups public ambitions, actions & results, instead of their idealistic statements.
A business owner who's aware of these word-weapons can prevent ruinous group dynamics and social policies from destroying their company. Unlike a small business thats accountable for its results, this kind of activism is entirely story-driven and free from guilt.
These terms are munitions for collectivist, who don't care about truth, because only their narrative matters.