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American Waymaker - Ghostwriting & Personal Branding 


You've got the vision & reputation, we've got the words & strategy.

So, how many missed opportunities is mediocre messaging costing you?

The Simple System That Helps You Take Charge Of Your Life, 
Become More Influential & Get Paid What You’re Worth!

Ghostwriting and
Personal Branding

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The Only Place You'll Get An Insider, No Holds Barred Look At How I Build Powerful Personal Brands
From Zero To 100 In 4 Weeks Flat...

Keep reading if you...

  • Already have a brand, but just need help sorting out the clutter?

  • Looking to stand out from the crowd to attract a better audience or investors?

  • Got problems aligning your operations, creative or management teams?

  • Feel like your messaging & communication is confusing or all-over-the-place?

  • Think growing-pains are affecting your internal teams & over all brand?

  • Adding new services & capabilities, but need help connecting them to your brand?

  • Need to impress VC investors and motivate your creative partners?

  • Do you need a strong & more consistent positioning that goes beyond updating old website copy?

My name is Issac Hopkins and what you’re about to learn could change your life forever.


Like you, I used to feel disorganized and all-over-the-place with my business. Throwing money at things that didn’t seem to show any real results that I could point to.

I felt like I had no clarity in my message or vision. I didn’t know how to get my team on the same page or explain my ideas in a way that made me truly stand out.

That is, until I figured out a fundamental breakthrough that let’s even a team of ONE get extraordinary results for their business, using my one-of-a-kind system I've proudly named the “5-Step Market Immersion Process”.

This system is a permanent fix to the feast-or-famine income cycle, and a long-term solution to getting full team alignment with multiple operations, without relying on traditional "push marketing”.

And later on this page, I’m going to make you an offer you’d be crazy not to take. But of course, you’re free to make up your own mind.

How Does it Work?

You and your top decision-makers join me for a series of stress-free, facilitated exercises aimed at understanding your challenges, customers & priorities, all through my Discovery Session.


How do you get started?

  • Simply click the button below.

  • Chat with a Waymaker to see if we’re a good fit.

  • Secure your spot on a very exclusive client list.

Click the "See If I Qualify" button
to chat with an Waymaker now.

(Your competition is reading this too, but again, you’re free to make up your own mind.)

At The Highest Income Levels, You Don't Get Paid For What You Do, But For Who You Are

The bottom line is that when you use this unique process, you'll flat out achieve more than you ever have.  Plain and simple. 

Imagine your phone buzzing like crazy from notifications pouring in with good news, new sales, and people looking to do deals with you.

Imagine...RIGHT NOW. 

You as an influencer… your fat sponsorship checks.

You as an entrepreneur… with prestige and admiration.

You as a thought leader… able to shutdown the naysayers. 

The proud look on your spouse’s face when you tell them what’s possible for you now.

The satisfaction of knowing you made the right call, that took you to the next level
where you were always meant to be... pretty great isn't it? 

Not only will you get a powerful personal brand, scalable webcopy and coaching at every step of the way, but you’ll be guided through a process that works with you to find the best ideas.

The freedom to do what you want, without spending all of your skill, energy or personal time.

✓ Focus on the vision and leadership of your company.
✓ Develop skilled team members & recruit top talent. 
✓ Increase your earnings year over year.

✓ Go on more trips, vacations & events
✓ Enjoy more time with your family.
✓ Help take care of your parents.

✓ Live your faith openly

I Only Offer This System To A Limited Group Of People, So What Do You Have To Lose?

Click the "See If I Qualify" button and take action now.

⚠️ I'm looking for FAST action takers - Spots won't be open for long...

Frequently Asked Questions

About How American Waymaker
Can Help Your Specific Situation

  • What does a ghostwriter even do?
    Well I'm actually using copywriting, which is simply closing a sale, but in print form. All writing that’s end-goal is to have someone take a directed step towards making a purchase or sign-up, fits under the umbrella of “copywriting”. This includes website copy, direct response marketing for ads and even some content writing. And I know what you’re thinking, It is NOT the more commonly thought of “© Copyrighting”, which is only an exclusive right to a piece of intellectual property. Now that you know, go spread the word!
  • How will I benefit from using your 5-Step Market Immersion Process?
    Entrepreneurial pursuits often turn into prisons that end up putting you in the exact position you tried to avoid in the first place. My system is focused on finding you a path to scale, and putting you in the visionary seat. Influencing the direction of your business mostly by thought-leadership. Helping you to be well paid, highly valued & having more fun.
  • What makes you different from other marketers or consultants?
    My diagnosing process. I don’t know what the right solution for your business is, and I don’t offer any upfront. I start by finding the root causes of your businesses symptoms (weak leads, high turn-over, disjointed teams, etc) before I jump to fixing anything. Next, I find out what your goals are, because a solution that doesn’t line-up with your priorities simply won’t succeed and you’ll just find a reason to get in your own way. Lastly, I figure out what your customers or audience really wants. From there, I design a silver-bullet that aims at the center of where all three overlap, like a Venn-diagram. The result is a truly unique personal brand that serves as a vehicle to reach your dreams.
  • I want to keep my info in my personal brand confidential. How do you handle privacy concerns?
    Believe me, I understand how serious your concern is, so I make sure that your information is treated with complete care. Everything from secured video & email, to encrypted data storage is accounted for when handling your most private business info.
  • I’m at a spiritual crossroads, should my faith be separate from my business?
    Nope. Core to making a long-lasting personal brand is steering into those areas of our lives that call us to a higher purpose. Without them, money and our pursuits become meaningless. As a Christian myself, I go out-of-my-way to incorporate my faith in all areas of my business to great success and I’m confident I can help you do the same.
  • What if I don’t get what I want?
    I call it the Waymaker Guarantee. If I don't clarify your brands purpose, align your goals & find a path that you're happy with, then I'll make adjustments until you're satisfied, at no extra charge. ​ And if for any reason you want someone else to fulfill your brand's deliverables, you're welcomed to take the fully complete Brand Strategy to someone else, and have them create content for you instead. All with my blessing.
  • Can you work remotely?
    Absolutely. Get everything from the comfort of your own home or office through convenient video calls, messages & timely responses. Or, If you're local and prefer to meet in-person, I can show up to your office, making it easy to get started, communicate clearly & free-up your time.
  • Where can I see some of your work?
    You can read about how other leaders received powerful brands that tell one cohesive story about their larger impact, here on the case studies page.
  • I’m just getting started, how should I progress towards your 5-Step Market Immersion Process?
    I made a FREE downloadable guide just for you! It’s the powerful result from years of research, experimentation and simplification, all packed into one ultra-condensed and easy-to-use framework. Download it for FREE here.
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